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What are Customer Rewards?

As a member of our free-to-join loyalty program, Customer Rewards, you will earn rewards with every purchase you make with us, and this guarantees all your future purchases will be an even better value.

You will earn rewards every time you shop with us, whether in-store or online, but you are free to decide how you spend your rewards. Save them up for something special or use them during each visit ... the choice is yours!

Shop now and earn your Customer Rewards!

How do I join the Customer Rewards loyalty program?

It’s super simple! Customer Rewards is not a Third-Party Service; it is a complimentary service that we deliver to all of our valued customers. All you need to do is shop with us today, and the email address you provide during checkout will be used to activate your Customer Rewards profile. Your email address and purchase history are not shared with anyone else.

Am I already earning Customer Rewards?

Possibly. Customer Rewards is associated with the email address provided to us when creating a Customer Profile. So, if you’ve shopped with us in the recent past, either in-store or online, and provided an email address to us, then your Customer Rewards profile may already be active, and you could have already earned rewards to use with a purchase today!

I’ve only shopped in-store. Can I use my rewards online?

Absolutely. Customer Rewards is associated with the email address provided to us when creating a Customer Profile in-store. So, when you purchase online today, be sure to use the same email address you gave to us in-store, and Customer Rewards will recognize that it is you and display your Customer Rewards balance during checkout.

I’ve only shopped online. Can I use my rewards in-store?

Absolutely. Customer Rewards is associated with the email address provided to us when creating a Customer Profile online. So, when you visit us in-store, be sure to let us know that you are already a customer. We can then link your purchase to your Customer Profile, ensuring your Customer Rewards balance will be available to use.

We take the security of your data and your right to privacy seriously. If you do not wish to be part of our complimentary loyalty scheme, please write to us (email is fine) and formally request to have your Customer Profile amended to exclude Customer Rewards. We will act promptly and confirm with you that the required action has been taken.

Read our Privacy Policy

Read our Terms & Conditions

Request your removal from our Customer Rewards loyalty program